About Us
Why this site?
I am a long time Nova enthusiast who was looking for the information to restore My Wife's high school 1970 Nova.
The information I needed was not documented anywhere. Plus there was a lot of urban myths about Novas and how they were manufactured. I was (and am still) a long time member of National Nostalgic Nova. I met with Wayne Bushey to discuss a way to capture the examples of Nova assembly and manufacturing by observing original cars and by experimental archeology.
- Photo Documenting untouched original Nova's.
- Researching original Chevrolet factory literature, parts books, and other documents.
- By experimental archeology e.g. working in the shop trying to duplicate the manufacturing techniques.
There is plenty of good information being published officially and unofficially on the internet. To maintain the integrity of the examples please:
Honor the original Trademark and Copyright holder! Always honor their hard work by asking permission to use the information and quote the original source, honor their hard work.
Chevrolet, Chevy, Chevy II, Nova, GM and other trade names and logos are registered trademarks of the General Motor Corporation. This site is for the Chevy II and Nova enthusiast. All information presented at this site is for research purposes only. No warranty is expressed or implied on the accuracy of the content presented here.
All content of this site is copyright protected.
No use of the content or images presented on this site is allowed without written permission of the copyright holder. This site offers free posting of pictures submitted by enthusiasts. The images are still property of the submitter.